DB-605 series

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Airman 1st Class
Jun 13, 2016
DB-605A (Standard Version)
DB-605AS (Supercharged)
DB-605AM (MW-50 Boosted)
DB-605ASM (MW-50 + Supercharger)


1310PS at Sea Level (1.3 ata)
1250PS at 5800m (1.3 ata)

1475PS at Sea Level (1.42 ata)
1355PS at 5700m (1.42 ata)

Source: Kurfürst - DB 601, 603, 605 datasheets - DB 605 A


1275PS at Sea Level (1.3 ata)
1250PS at 5800m (1.3 ata)

1800PS at Sea Level (1.7 ata)
1700PS at 4000m (1.7 ata)

Source: Kurfürst - DB 601, 603, 605 datasheets - DB 605 AM


1275PS at Sea Level (1.3 ata)
1150PS at 7800m (1.3 ata)

1435PS at Sea Level (1.42 ata)
1200PS at 8000m (1.42 ata)

Source: Kurfürst - DB 601, 603, 605 datasheets - DB 605 AS


1250PS at Sea Level (1.3 ata)
1150PS at 7800m (1.3 ata)

1800PS at Sea Level (1.7 ata)
1500PS at 6400m (1.7 ata)

Source: Kurfürst - DB 601, 603, 605 datasheets - DB 605 ASM

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