Did the Germans capture & use a Lockheed 14 Super Electra?

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chris ballance

Airman 1st Class
Jul 21, 2022
Were any Super Electras captured by the Germans and used? Maybe a KLM aircraft?
I can look in my books at home when I get back from NYC tomorrow. That is if I remember.
Thanks, I think this photo was posted to this forum and have seen a reference to a German test pilot's evaluation, but don't know if it was used by Lufthansa or a unit like KG 200. The test pilot evaluation was a little strange because it used the English phrase "hot ship" which is a phrase that I really hope has a German equivalent, and not just a English phrase picked up by the Germans.


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The Polish airline LOT got at least 4, They may have had 9-10 on order, I don't know if the got them all. P & W Hornet engines.
KLM got 11 (?) but only 3 went to Europe. The others went to the Dutch West indies and the Dutch East indies. Wright Cyclones.
Romania got 4, but the cowls may have been different? Cyclones but with adjustable exist flaps on the cowl. The rest of this order went to Japan.
According to a few websites about KG 200, the Germans did capture one or more Hudsons so a Lodestar would not surprise me. Of course these sites gave no hard references.
It would wild if both the British and the Germans were using Hudsons for special duties, but have not heard of Germans doing the same kind of landing operations anywhere but in North Africa In 1944.
The Polish airline LOT got at least 4, They may have had 9-10 on order, I don't know if the got them all. P & W Hornet engines.
KLM got 11 (?) but only 3 went to Europe. The others went to the Dutch West indies and the Dutch East indies. Wright Cyclones.
Romania got 4, but the cowls may have been different? Cyclones but with adjustable exist flaps on the cowl. The rest of this order went to Japan.

The "Lot" bought the Lockheed L-14 Super Electra in 1938. In the April and May of that year, 6 planes L-14H-05 were delivered. In May 1939 four next aircraft came to Poland. In 1938 two planes were lost in accidents. In September 1939 four L-14Hs were evacuated to Romania where these were interned and later used by the Romanian Transport Aviation. One plane was interned in Estonia and was used by the Estoinian AF. Later the plane was captured by soviets and crashed in 1940. At the beginning of the September 1939 three Polish Lodestars landed in Helsinki, Finland. Then all the three flew away to Great Britain. Later the planes were used in France for military transportation and the evacuation in 1940. Two of them got back to the UK and were used by the BOAC Airline. The SP-BPM was destroyed in France during the campaigne there. So none of the Polish Electras could be captured by the Germans and used. Unless they stole one Romanians.

The SP-BPM ...




the source: Lockheed L-14H ex SP-BPM | MPM 1:72
Yes, I was under the impression that all the LOT aircraft were accounted for, and I know at least on of the KLM aircraft was involved in a horrific crash before the war.

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