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Mar 15, 2008
What is the differences between "Sturmjaeger" "RammJaeger" and "Rammkommando"? I doubt that they all meant the same thing.
Sturmjaeger - Actually has two meaning. It's either pilot flying heavily armored and armed fighter made to attack 4-engined bomber from very close range, or fighter made for such attacks. First plane dedicated for such tacticks was FW 190A-8/R7 (with aditional armour around cabine and engine) and the A-8/R8 (like R7, but with wing [external] MG 151/20 replaced with MK 108 cannons). I'm not quite sure, but I think that first unit organised around that tactic IV./JG3.

Rammjaeger - like above, but used only (or rather - mostly) as description for fighters.

Rammkommando - those were German kamikaze, but unlike japanese version, there were not trying to kill themselves with enemy, but just kill enemy. They were ramming light armored (tails) parts of bombers and then jumping out from the fighter with parachute.
Well said Zarathos. Rammjaeger as I understand it refers to the aircraft used by the Rammkommando. They swore an oath to destroy atleast one enemy bomber per mission, the last resort being to ram the bomber (hence the 'ramm-') if attempts to shoot it down were unsuccessful.

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