Does anyone know what's written on this instruction plate?

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Jul 30, 2023
HI everyone,

I have another question about the Fairey Swordfish, this time I'm trying to work out what it says behind the yellow air intake shutter knob in the right hand set of instructions, here's a photo that shows what I'm looking at:

The instructions for "closed" are nice and clear, but the instructions for "open" are obscured.

I also have this photo from another angle:

so it's obviously something something "damp / cold conditions", but I can't figure out what the two lines above it say, it looks like the word above "cold" ends with "---ding"? The only other photo I can find is this one:

which reveals a little bit more of the line above but it's really blurry.

In the manual all I can find is this sentence:

The knob is inscribed "Air intake shutter - To open pull and turn", and the conditions under which the control should be operated are engraved on the panel.

which isn't as helpful as I'd like.

I'm really struggling to find any other photos of this that might reveal what it says underneath, so I'm hoping someone here might be able to help.
It is a guess but,
or Gliding

It will be interesting to see the exact words. You could try AI to fill in the missing words!

That's a really good guess, I did think it was "or -dling" but couldn't think of a word that would fit but this seems very plausible!
Possibly 'cruising'. Spacing seems to fit.

Alternatively, put in something which is totally out of left field as noone will ever figure it out. Maybe "supersonic" or "low earth orbit" or similar.
My guess, agreeing with others, is "gliding". The first letter is extremely obscured, but there is a roundness to the very bottom portion. It may be a "G".

The second letter appears to be the bottom of an "L", but I would like to see a sharper right angle for the "L". Maybe it is the blurriness of the shot.

Interesting that, in the second picture, the "D" is quite clear, but in the third picture, you could easily mistake it for an "O". And the "I" in front of it basically disappears.

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