I saw some pics posted of the TA 152 at NASM a few years back. Does anyone know if there has been any progress on it? I am going to build a 1/32 example from Jerry Rutman and I am looking for a good example to build. Any help would be emmensly appreciated.
Yeap found them right here. I took these pics back in 2005 when me and my wife went to Washington DC when I got back from Iraq.
The pics are rather dark because my digital camera at the time was not very good.
Here is also a link to the thread I had started about it with more pictures (I actually need to revive the thread and post all the pics that I have taken, they are not all in the thread):
Yeah, I don't think they've updated they're website in a while, they've still got older pictures from around 2000 when it was still in pieces and they had just gotten started on it. However, while browsing the internet, I came across this guy's website; apparently, he was allowed access to the restoration area of the Smithsonian and took pictures of the Ta 152 in 2005. Go here for some good pictures of the Ta 152 undergoing restoration:
Thanks a bunch for your help and input. I'm a big DoraFan. I might try getting in to see the TA 152 at NASM in June when I'm up in the DC area.