'Dumb' icon.

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Go to Your Profile page. There is the option Ratings Received. Also you may just click the rating there and the poster should be displayed. For which post did you get that?
Oh yes... the post #146. If it was given by you ( the info confirm that ) you should scroll the post down There should be the option for deleting/removing of the rating. It is in the bottom right corner of the post window where the Rating icon menu is displayed.
If it was unwanted there is no problem. You aren't the first one here who hit the icon accidentally.
It used to be easy to accidently hit a rating button by accident when scrolling on your phone but now you would have to physically tap two different locations to hit a negative rating. Good fix.
Here you are two screen shots of your post above. The first one is without the rating given while the second one got it for a while. Please notice that there the Remove Rating option and the rating icon appeared when the rating in the first shot was chosen by me. If you click the Remove Rating option the rating with the icon is deleted and the post window will look like in the first image again.

I just went and checked my Ratings Given area and have removed 9 unintentional negative ratings! Apologies to all who have received my unintentional "Old" and "Optimistic" ratings. All were scrolling errors on my phone.
I was thinking maybe it would be best to do away with the dumb rating altogether. Seems like a simple disagree rating would more than sufice( although I never even use that one).
Maybe replace it with a thought provoking rating instead. There are many times when a post I have read has spurred me to seak more information or think about things I did know in a new way. Seems like this would be alot more useful than a " dumb" rating.
The symbol could be a simplified imogi of the famous statue" the thinker" or maybe just the standard little imogi guy leaning his chin between thumb and forefinger.

Oh, and specifically for my sake maybe we could do away with the bad spelling rating.
Just kidding on that second one but I think the first one would be a useful and positive change. Imho.
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I just went and checked my Ratings Given area and have removed 9 unintentional negative ratings! Apologies to all who have received my unintentional "Old" and "Optimistic" ratings. All were scrolling errors on my phone.
just did the same.
two of my three were on Terry's posts, no wonder i have not been invited round for tea and crumpets for while

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