Early ww2 airborne tank-busters what-if

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Problem with Batlle wrt. performance was that it was too big for the engines of the day. At 422 sq ft, wing area was ~50% greater than what the already too big wing Hurricane and Wildcat had, or almost twice the wing area of Spitfire or P-36. Even the big Fulmar, SBD or Val were smaller than Battle. It was 10 ft longer than Hurricane.
A 'tactical' aircraft that is big and slow = AA gunners delight; enemy fighters will also love it. Even the turret-less Defiant with two anti-tank guns will be better off.

Lets go with your Vickers 25.4mm then

If the Taurus is considered too unreliable, why not go for the Pegasus? Its only a drop of 100hp at rated altitude (but actually 100hp more for take off than the merlin1- and around sea level is where this thing is going to be most of the time) and its an engine famed for its reliability. Its still a bit lighter than the Merlin - and also means we can ditch both the radiator and the armour a radiator necessitates for a ground attack aircraft. (engine installation at least seems a relatively simple operation for the battle, given the numerous incarnations of the test bed version )...

But if we want to go down the Merlin line, maybe we should have a closer look at the Hawker Henley....?
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