The fully-rated DB 605A and 603A engines that will not be blowing themselves to pieces in a normal service use, were 1350 PS vs. 1625 at the altitude of 5.7 km. Or, 0.83 vs. 1, or indeed the 603A was making some 20% more than the 605A.
This 20% is, BTW, almost exactly what you'd expect from a simplistic comparison of the displacement and rpm: 44.52/35.7*2700/2800=1.20. More volume gives you more power, but lower max rpm for a given mean piston speed eats away some of that power increase.
20% is not magical, by far, but every little bit helps. Doesn't obviate the need for a better (2S?) supercharger for high altitude performance, of course. That being said, maybe 20% is small enough that one could argue they would have been better off working towards increasing the power output of the 605?
German fighters were much smaller than the best Allied stuff, though, that also can help with drag.
Unless making them so small comes at the cost of having to add bulges all over the places to make all the equipment fit (109G, looking at you!).