Chief Master Sergeant
re the vulnerability of Me262 air bases
For this what-if, maybe we can assume the clever Luftwaffe kept the aircraft secret and that the Me262 has not been used before. Imagine if 300x Me262 rather suddenly appeared during the post D-Day operations.
Further, let's assume that the Luftwaffe were clever and they built (in secret for the most part) bases that were sufficiently camouflaged (maybe pond/flooded-runway and dispersed-roads-for-runways types), so that the locations came as a surprise to the Allies.
It might give the Germans a week or two of running rampant before the Allies to get up to snuff and begin dealing with 300x Me262it effectively.
As a point of possible interest, in a wargaming campaign I have mentioned before, one of the players went the Swiss and Scandinavian route with hangars and maintenance facilities in the sides of mountains and used nearby roads for runways, while another player built one of his airfields as a flooded runway type. Most of the other players had secondary runway plans in place, using roads and dispersed airfield facilities. Admittedly, it was only a game, and the none of the opposing forces had any significant advantage in numbers (the most airframes anyone had at one time was ~350), but it did take a while for reconnaissance efforts to sort out where some aircraft were operating from, and some operating runways were never located during the ~6 month long (scenario time) campaign - despite serious efforts.
As an aside, did the Me262 ever get fitted with drop tanks operationally? Maybe DTs could be used to help rationalize increased safe(er) operating margins re distance from the front.
Also, did the Germans have any advanced bomb sights that might have been usable by the Me262 if developed just a bit more? Maybe a type that would allow accurate shallow dive/glide-bombing?
For this what-if, maybe we can assume the clever Luftwaffe kept the aircraft secret and that the Me262 has not been used before. Imagine if 300x Me262 rather suddenly appeared during the post D-Day operations.
Further, let's assume that the Luftwaffe were clever and they built (in secret for the most part) bases that were sufficiently camouflaged (maybe pond/flooded-runway and dispersed-roads-for-runways types), so that the locations came as a surprise to the Allies.
It might give the Germans a week or two of running rampant before the Allies to get up to snuff and begin dealing with 300x Me262it effectively.
As a point of possible interest, in a wargaming campaign I have mentioned before, one of the players went the Swiss and Scandinavian route with hangars and maintenance facilities in the sides of mountains and used nearby roads for runways, while another player built one of his airfields as a flooded runway type. Most of the other players had secondary runway plans in place, using roads and dispersed airfield facilities. Admittedly, it was only a game, and the none of the opposing forces had any significant advantage in numbers (the most airframes anyone had at one time was ~350), but it did take a while for reconnaissance efforts to sort out where some aircraft were operating from, and some operating runways were never located during the ~6 month long (scenario time) campaign - despite serious efforts.
As an aside, did the Me262 ever get fitted with drop tanks operationally? Maybe DTs could be used to help rationalize increased safe(er) operating margins re distance from the front.
Also, did the Germans have any advanced bomb sights that might have been usable by the Me262 if developed just a bit more? Maybe a type that would allow accurate shallow dive/glide-bombing?