Things happen in discussions that dont happen in real life. Ike didnt ask "do we have air superiority" the day before D-Day in order to decide whether to go ahead. There had been massive efforts of all sorts from the combined bomber offensive to the fortitude deception plans to ensure air and ground "tank" superiority. Ike was as sure as anyone could be that he had the assets to maintain air superiority over the beach head, that is the LW would not be able to substantially interfere with the landing. Since the second Colossus code breaking machine came on line just before and Ike had the ull German order of battle, plus confirmation that Hitler was swallowing the deception of D-Day being a diversion. I dont think Eisenhower could have been more certain that he would have air superiority, his biggest worry was the weather.Overlord would not be launched, absent Allied air superiority. And to paraphrase what others have noted, call Tom Cruise because playing catch-up in one or two days was Mission Impossible.