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FB Zimmermann: 05/12/1933 entry, LUFTHANSA, D-2468, first flight 05/12/1933, "Joachim von Schröder", LUFTHANSA, D-AFIR, 1934, "Joachim von Schröder", RLM D-AFIR 1934, RLM route school Berlin, 12/11/1934 arrival at Junkers shipyard in Leipzig for a major overhaul, 04/1935: oil level glass broken (DVL-F22/4/34), 06/1935 intended for So installation, 09/1935 tipping while rolling due to a gust (DVL-F6/9/35), 11/1935 Reichsbahn machine under DHL leadership, number of operating hours on December 31, 1936: 2313, number of operating hours on December 31, 1938: 2873
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