eBay: Martin B-26 Marauder

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Robert F. Harper pictures part 2. There are many photos, so I will send them in parts. They are loose, so there are in the order that I scanned them. Not in chronological order. Some have writing on the back side, so I will include these also. If you are interested in the logbooks, Pilot Yearbook or documentation of his career, let me know and I can include them also.


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Robert F. Harper Pictures Part 4.


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Robert F. Harper Pictures Part 5.


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Robert F. Harper. I have posted all the personal photos I have from this collection. I apologize if I have duplicated any. There are dupes that came with the grouping. I have posted pictures of his wings, patches and flight computers that came with the pictures in this post. I have much more of his paperwork and log books if anyone is interested. I also have many, many, many original photo albums and individual photos form most of the WW2 major combatants that I can post also. That's it for tonight. I hope you like these as much as I do.


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Further research turns up evidence that the Alaska based Marauders were undergoing conversion to strafer versions in August and September 1942. The guns were installed in the nose in place of the bombardier's position. The installation consisted of two 20mm cannon and two .50 caliber guns fired by the pilot, and hydraulically charged. I have not located info on type of gunsight used, nor ammo carried. But I'll keep looking. The 77th Bomb Squadron had several and at least these two made it out to Adak with the 73rd.
View attachment 590203Cpt John Pletcher and crew in front of Martin B-26 MA #40-1506, Adak, AK, 28 Oct, 1942View attachment 590204B-26 MA #40-1558 on the ramp at Adak, AK, early November, 1942
photo credit: National Park Service, John Pletcher Collection

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