eBay: Messerschmitt Me110

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That fake sold for £113!
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If both the kites belonged to the ZG 1, the code should start with the S9 marking. The one in the post #1230 is of the code +CB but not +CG. Just a typo IMHO.
I don't think thats a fuel tank (Dackelbauch) under the fuselage I believe it is a large cannon fairing a 37mm or possibly a 50mm the water mark obscures the gun barrel enough that I can't tell what cannon it is. Very nice find
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A good catch. I agree. If it would be the fuel tank it would be longer, deeper and started almost at the front of the fuselage but not slight in front the wing roots.
The shape of the front of the gondola and the length of the protuding barrel suggest the BK 37mm Flak 18 cannon.


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