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  • Me 410A-1: Light bomber. High Performance bomber. Used against the British Isles starting in 1943.
  • Me 410A-1/U1: Photo reconnaissance.
  • Me 410A-1/U2: Fighter bomber. Heavier armament. Had gun pack in the ventral weapons bay.
  • Me 410A-1/U4: Bomber destroyer. Had a 50 mm gun under the fuselage. It carried 21 rounds.
  • Me 410A-2: Heavy fighter.
  • Me 410A-3: Long range reconnaissance. Additional fuel in weapons bay.
  • Me 410B: Had two Daimler-Benz DB 603G engines (1,900 HP).
  • Me 410B-1:
  • Me 410B-2: Heavy fighter.
  • Me 410B-3: Reconnaissance.
  • Me 410B-5: Torpedo fighter. Didn't go into production.
  • Me 410B-6: Anti-shipping fighter. Had two 30 mm, two 20 mm, and two 13 mm guns. It used a FuG 200 Hohentweil radar.

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