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Bloch MB200 captured beute balkenkreuz


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No. Straight nose = licence built czech Avia MB 200
you do not call a chinese bmw or Citroën chinese first when its sold. Why would you do that that with an aeroplane?
The building plans are bloch mb200, manufactured by ,in this case, avia.
You do not say french build Bloch mb200.
you do not call a chinese bmw or Citroën chinese first when its sold. Why would you do that that with an aeroplane?
The building plans are bloch mb200, manufactured by ,in this case, avia.
You do not say french build Bloch mb200.

A Citroen car made in China is immediately recognizable, it has slanted eyes :).

The Avia MB 200 was not quite identical to the French plane and the plans had been modified on many points, the most visible being the engine cowlings and the nose.

Engine were licence-built... and modified, too.

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