eBay: North American B-25 Mitchell

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Great! THX for posting. :wave:
And the last two for today;).
This is the second Mitchell I. (B-25B) FK162 in her original camo and markings:

And one more time the camouflaged FK161:

One may see the differences in the appearance of the 2 a/cs: the second photo has been taken later than the first one - the fin flash (barely visible behind the wing) is from the later type.
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I agree. Undoubtedly the fin flash is of the later type with the white strip reduced to the narrow one.

These are two different a/cs: the top is B-25B (Mitchel I) and the second is B-25C (Mitchell II) - note the open and covered tail skid.

Yup, the top one is FK165 and the lower one with the P marking is FL191, both taken at Boscombe Down. Although not prototypes as such, the P marking was added to foreign types if there was no Air Ministry Pilot's Notes for the specific make or mark of aircraft being trialled.

This is the second Mitchell II. (B-25B) FK162 in her original camo and markings:

I'm sure it's a typo from what you've posted here, but FK162 was the second RAF Mitchell I.
Very nice shots of those "Crusaders" (42-th BG., 13-th AAF). The last a/c (no camo) is B-25J-27, s/n 44-30285. Note that the original s/n is still visible after the second one with bigger numbers (characteristic for the "Crusaders") has been applied.

And a "Crusader"- tail in bigger detail (different a/c):

The first photo is from the "The Crusaders a history of the 42nd Bombardment Group (M)" - downloadable for free, just follow the link.
The second photo is from here.

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