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Bud Anderson of the 425th nfs, performed many night ground attack missions. post war he became the squadron rep. we chatted quite a bit and he allowed me to borrow 4-5 squadron P-61 microfische to copy. Great guy.

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P-61B-1 42-39417 THE GREAT SPECKLED BIRD, crewed by Sguadron Maintenance Officer Lt Dick Hoover and Senior Sguadron, R/O Lt Earl R Dickey 416th NFS, Horsching, Austria, June 1945

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Northrop P-61A-10-NO 42-5582 Two o'clock Jump Little Dudrey. Crew Ormsby Howerton. (425th NFS, XIX Tactical Air Command, 9th AF) shot down by friendly AAA at Escholbrucken, 10 km SW of Darmstadt, Germany Mar 24, 1945. Pilot killed. One crewman bailed out and was wounded and was helped by German civilians. MACR 13328

Nose cone failure

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I'm amazed it managed to fly with such a dent in there -- an almost perfect drag producing device.
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