eBay Nose art (all nations)

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WW2 USAAF B-17 Bomber Man O War II Horsepower Ltd. Nose Art Photo 4x5" C258 | eBay

B-17G-25-DL 42-38083
42-38083 | American Air Museum in Britain Delivered Cheyenne 6/12/43; Kearney 24/12/43; Nutts Corner, Belfast, N.I. 14/1/44; Assigned 322BS/91BG [LG-V] Bassingbourn 1/2/44; 77m Missing in Action Merseburg 2/11/44 with Leroy Hare, Co-pilot: Bob Casey, Navigator: Theo Herrick, Bombardier: Roy Cook (4 Prisoner of War); Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Tom Harris, Radio Operator: Frank Holman, Ball turret gunner: Bill Oxby, Waist gunner: Floyd Callen, Tail gunner: George Hanson (5 Killed in Action); riddled by formation of enemy aircraft, tail of plane broke away and ship crashed Gnotsch, Ger; Missing Air Crew Report 10144. MAN 'O WAR II - HORSEPOWER LTD.

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