Engine quiz

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Dang that was too easy Right on...one of two built P-51J lightweight fighters and could have been the fastest of all wartime Mustangs. There were stories on both sides of the fence, the engine wasn't performing up to spec to the USAAF drug its heels during testing as to not supersede the performance of the Merlin powered 'Tangs.


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"Vee's for Victory" claims that the first -119 engine didn't go on test until July of 1944 and that the first flight of the P-51J wasn't until April 23, 1945.

No reason is given but only 7 flights on the first airframe and 2 flights on the second by Feb of 1946 at which point the 2 planes are handed over to the USAF from North American. The USAF then bails the planes to Allison
for engine development work including work on the -143 engine for the P-82.

There were reportedly problems with the Bendix Speed Density Carburetor which were not solved for a while.
OK round 2 What aircraft and engine would this be?


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yes it has a counter rotating shaft and speed was estimated at 768 kph but not a Rolls Royce engine


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No it had some major problems to resolve

SNCASE stopped work on this SE 580, without achieving the prototype
manufacturing. The SNCA du Centre (SNCAC) could have taken on this
project to finish it, but this project was discarded, too. So, no "first
fly" for the SE 580. Span 15.862m - Length 13.000m - Weight 5093kg empty
and 8128kg maximum - Maximum speed 749km/h (much !). All that comes from
the Docavia book No.28 (wonderful book, with many French unbuilt
projects of 1944-1960, but it is rather expensive).
keep this theme going. post more stuff!! or can we? i dont want to hijack this tread

Hey the more the merrier I'm having trouble finding tough stuff to solve I thought the ones I dug up would last awhile but you guys are just too good!

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