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Hmmm...I didn't think it got more basic than the single syllable word! Although my brother-in-law, who is from Stoke-on-Trent is named Craig. I usually call him the cheeky git! He knows I mean it in jest.
If he had his pecker up he'd be using it all the time, and that's just plain disgusting in todays society.

I'm known as Carts...and you don't need to know why.
A few names don't mean squat to me but take the piss out of any one less fortunate than most of us or of the guys who served in past or present conflicts or even worse deride the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nations and my view and tone may change a bit there's only been one c**t on here that I have no respect for but I don't have to converse with them or acknowledge their existence its easy to threaten or say what you will or will not do to them that's just fantasy its easy to be a tough guy on a PC keyboard the likes of Les, Adler, Evan ,Skim ,FBJ and many others have all done their bit so have nothing to prove and have earned a bit of respect. That's why we have the freedom to sit here and type a load of shit like I and many of us normally do.

OK waffle over with go on CC why are you called fish eye, at junior school I was know as Miles with the piles. Not that I had hemorrhoids I just was crap at running and looked like id shit myself
Well...I had a bad case of hayfever when when I was about 6 or 7, and my eye formed this glaze on the top of it which magnified it made it look about 3 times bigger than it should do Or course I forgot about it until earlier this year it cropped up into a conversation and what do you know, lots of people call me fish eye

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