F-22 Vs. Su-37

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Airman 1st Class
Sep 4, 2007
Central Texas
Hello everyone,

I'm not too much into modern aircraft, but when browsing on this site I saw a video demonstrating the flight characteristics of a Su-37 "Terminator". Needless to say, I was VERY impressed. I then thought about how The F-22 (The U.S.A.F.'s top fighter if I am not mistaken) would fare against the Su-37 in one-on-one combat. So, what do ya'll think?

Like I said before, I don't know too much about modern aircraft, but I do know that both have thrust vectoring systems to give a wider range of maneuverability. The only differences I can think of is that the 22 has "stealth" abilities while the 37 has canards- which I would think aids the aircraft during the inverted stall tricks.

Oh, one last thing, the designer of the Su-37 is so confident in it's abilities that he challenged any U.S. aircraft to a mock dogfight "... any time, any place!"

Thanks! 8)
A challenge that would never be taken nor made conclusive. Today, dogfights are claimed to be BVR... beyond visual range. The F-22 has a public ceiling of 60kft. Likely it is MUCH higher than that. The F-22 has all aspect stealth, while the Sukhoi's stealth is frontal only.

In addition, you have to understand the tactics that are used with the different platforms. A one on one is not the F-22s strength (or so they say). The F-22 is more like a high flying invisible AWACS with AMRAAMs who is able to direct other assets for the passive kill. If something creeps beyond the radar/infrared fence, only then will the Raptor swoop in for the kill.

In a WVR (withing visual range) dogfight, I would not put the F-22 at a decidedly disadvantage. Off boresight missile shots, significant maneuverability with vectored thrust, and a integral gun system makes the F-22 a real contender. That is if you survive getting past the Raptors AESA radar to even get close to it.

Different mission. Different capabilities. That's why you can buy 3 Sukhois for ever F-22. It's not all about top speed, range, ceiling and largest payload.

Matt summed it up pretty well. But if you're talking about the so-called "Cobra" maneuver, then the F-22 is entirely capable of doing the same thing; I've seen it demonstrated by an F-22 pilot.

Also, as Matt said, that depends on whether the Su-37 could get past the F-22's combo of non-detectable radar and 90%-kill-probabilty AIM-120D's; highly doubtful. Even assuming the Su-37 got past that, it would be hard pressed to defend itself againt a highly-maneuverable F-22.
- I had no idea that the raptor had such capabilities. Thanks for all the information Matt. Also, what is a AMRAAM?
AMRAAM- Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile. And I can tell you from seeing several demos of the F-22 last year, it is one BADASS bird. Supercruise, stealth, thrust vectoring and the ability to accelerate while going straight up all add up to a demo that leaves you breathless.
- I had no idea that the raptor had such capabilities. Thanks for all the information Matt. Also, what is a AMRAAM?

AMRAAM is the same thing as an AIM-120; the terms are used interchangably. The AIM-120D is the latest incarnation of the AMRAAM.

The AIM-120C was the first AMRAAM designed specifically to be used with the F-22 Raptor; it has "cropped" (shortened) fins, allowing the Raptor to carry six AMRAAMS in it's ventral weapons bay, instead of four of the "normal" variety.

An F-22 demo must be quite a sight! I should look up some videos when I get a chance (and not on this computer....I'm still a few years behind the times with my "wonderful" dial-up connection )
IMHO you compare peaches with oranges - the su-37 is a derivation from the Su27M (Su-35), which makes it 4++ generation aircraft. And it's still a prototype, btw
I think the better comparison would be between Su-30MXX and the latest F-15E variants
I love both aircraft, but if I had to get a great aircraft quickly and cheap I would get the Su-37, but the F-22 has more functions that makes it so expensive and advanced combat aircraft.
Some say Su-37 has rearward-facing missile system that give the pilot the ability to fire at enemy aircraft behind him.
Don't laugh. It has a NIIP NO-12 rear looking radar and fire control system. Ever wondered what that long stinger was used for? Now whether the tested missiles are in actual service is debateable. The Russians are notorious for one-off experimental/test aircraft. Has it been done? I've read about it. Is it operational? I doubt it in any numbers that are worth worrying about.

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