F-35 Lightning

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Interesting, thanks. Airforce Monthly predicted some colour scheme variety back in 2013. The Israeli one is nice.

Well those are some artist's fantasies that may come true someday. There is a special paint applied to stealth aircraft and it can come in different colors. The issue is maintainability and cost. If you start fielding different colors, it's obvious you're going to increase cost. Camouflaged paint was tried on the F-117A, I have friends who saw this bird flying in the eastern California desert several years before the F-117A program was de-classified.

A light grey paint was also tried.

Photo credit the internet
On the F-35 there is the iron ball type paint which is yes, very expensive. There is a lot more with the F-35 though with some parts having radar absorbing
foam around the sensors and aerials as well as gold or indium tin oxide to make the canopy more opaque to stop detection of the very unstealthy stuff
inside including the pilot.

Even the final polyurethane coating is scanned with lasers and cameras then projectors are used to show where the coating is too thin or too thick which
is no good and has to be carefully sanded or have more coating added. Everything must be exact down to the last detail with actual
composition of coatings and structures being secret and making it very hard to copy even you had an F-35 to tear down.
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