F7U-3M Cutlass

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Senior Airman
Apr 13, 2010
Does anyone have a colour pics of the cockpit of a F7U-3M Cutlass?
I have a 1/48 kit which has no paint guide for anything other than the main body.
Can anyone tell me which colour the wheel bays were?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Tonyb -- While I don't have any color pics of a Cutlass cockpit, there is one undergoing a restoration only about 20 minutes from my house. Here's a pic I took just a few months ago. If you're interested in any particular views or parts of the aircraft, let me know and I'll try to get some pics. I was planning to go back soon to the restoration center anyway.


  • Cutlass.jpg
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Cool pic!
That would be awesome if you could get any good shots of the cockpit (you may have to grow about 20ft going on that pic!) and the wheel bays.
My kit is very basic so I hope to improve it in any way I can.My knowledge on Cutlasses is pretty much non-existant but I just like them for some reason.
LOL! Yeah, that cockpit feels like it's about halfway to the ceiling! I'll see what I can do. You never know, maybe the staff will roll out a ladder if I ask nicely!

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