Fairey Battle Airfix 1/72 kit question

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Bullo Loris

Senior Airman
Oct 14, 2006

you know If Fairey Battle kits of Airfix 1/72 is out of prioduction?, let me know


Loris , but it is exactly the same kit. I mean the Airfix one. BILEK re-boxes many of old kits that aren't offered any longer by the main manufacturers.
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Loris , but it is exactly the same kit. I mean the Airfix one. BILEK re-boxes many of old kits that aren't offered any longer by the main manufacturers.

Yes but I prefer the Airfix plastic...what I can do I'm an airfix fan :=)))
All is fine Loris, I understand you totally.. But what would you do if you didn't find the Airfix one? I can see two solutions only. Either you can buy the BILEK kit ot scratch build it yourself.Am I right?
I agree...... Today I could have a look at the new Airfix 2010 catalogue. But I have gone through Dragon and Zvezda ones only. I'll do it the next time.
I agree...... Today I could have a look at the new Airfix 2010 catalogue. But I have gone through Dragon and Zvezda ones only. I'll do it the next time.

I think Airfix posted today this kit because I searched yesterday in the official site without reasults...
quick indeed.

I must change my program, after Wellington and a WWI plane (possible Albatross DVa, Airfix) I will do this kit, I will need helps with documents Wurger If you want help mate :=)



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