Fairford 08

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Jun 20, 2008
Gloucestershire, England
With the cancellation of Fairford 08, I consider myself lucky that I only went to the Pay View day on Friday. I took my 10 yr old grandson ( Sneaked day off school, much more educational). We saw the Queens flypast, Practice demo by F16,F18, Grippon, star of show ,full display by F22 Raptor "Billiant" plus Indian helicopyors . Also a bit of Turkish Stars display by Patrioulle de France, more bits pieces.We could have stayed longer, but Grandson was getting tired.So I didnt miss my RIAT this year. A few pics inc.


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Great pics..On the down sizing..I would post pics of some shows I've been too ...But have no clue on how to down size ..Not good on this PC thing...Someone here should post how to down size ..I think alot of people do not know how to do alot of the stuff on PC's..A place for PC help would be nice ...
If you have Microsoft office picture manager just go to resize and use the percentage control down arrow watch the width go down until it hits around 950-1000 then it will be about perfect

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