Fighters, single engine, one man, production 1940/44

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 24, 2007
I try to list all fighters, SE&1M, mass produced* in the 1940/44 time frame
* mass produced for this thread: 20 fighters built, they need to be of the same model, is hard define model, they appear the same type and they performances are around the same and they have same model engine.

Country/Firm/Fighter/Type/License production countries/engine/first flight/end of production/production in 1940-44
Australia/CAC/Boomerang/Low wing monoplane/-/P&W Twin Wasp/29-05-42/2-45/105 CA-12 + 95 CA-13, my infos are limited but i think they can considered one model, 26 CA-19 they had recce cam
Deutschland/Focke Wulf/Fw 190/LW M/-/BMW 801, Jumo 213 (D variant)/04-40/4-45/around 11,600 Anton and around 800 Dora
Deutschland/Focke Wulf/Ta-152/LW M/-/Jumo 213/12-07-44/2-45/ 21 H
Deutschland/Messerschmitt/Bf 109/LW M/Magyar, Romania/DB 601&605/28-05-35/4-45, ? Magyar&Romania/around 1,900 Emil, 70 Toni, 3,278 Friedrich, around 21,500 Gustav, 854 Kurfürst ; around 55 Gustav built in Romania and 3 times more in Hungary for their use, that for use from Germany would be included in Germany production
France/Caudron/C.714/LW? M/-/R 12R/06-07-38/2-40/83 C.714, the production started in the summer '39 i've not info when the first was completed and how many were actually built in '40.
France/Dewoitine/D.520/LW M/-/HS 12Y/02-10-38/8-44/891 or 905 including production under German control
France/Marcel Bloch/MB.152&155/LW M/-/GR 14N/04-05-37/late 40/around 350 MB.150 and 29 MB.155
France/Morane-Saulnier/MS.406/LW M/Schweiz/HS 12Y/08-08-35/3-40, ?-48 in Schweiz/ around 200 MS.406, 76 D-3800, <190 D-3801
Italia/Fiat/C.R.42/Sesquiplane, fixed landing gear/-/Fiat A.74 RC38/23-05-38/8-44/>1550 including exportation and German controlled production
Italia/Fiat/G.50/LW M/-/Fiat A.74 RC38/26-02-37/7-42/>600
Italia/Fiat/G.55/LW M/-/DB 605/30-04-42/9-44/around 250 including German controlled production
Italia/Macchi/M.C.200&202&205V/LW M/-/Fiat A.74 RC38&DB 601& DB 605/24-12-37/4-44/around 1,180 M.C.200, 1,105 M.C.202, 275 M.C.205V including German controlled production
Italia/Reggiane/Re.2000/LW M/Magyar/GR 14K/24-05-39/5/42, 8/44 in Magyar/155, 191 in Hungary
Italia/Reggiane/Re.2001/LW M/-/DB 601/23-06-40/9-43/around 230
Italia/Reggiane/Re.2005/LW M/-/DB 605/09-05-42/1-44/30 including German controlled production
Nederland/Fokker/D.XXI/LW M FLG/Suomi/P&W Twin Wasp/27-03-36/Fall '44/55 all built in Finland, the Bristol Mercury variant was built near fully before of '40 (6 Danish planes were built in '40)
Nihon/Kawanishi/N1K-1J&-2J/MW (1J) LW (2J) M/-/Nakajima Homare/27-12-42/8-45/around 890 1J and 60 2J
Nihon/Kawasaki/Ki-61/LW M/-/Kawasaki Ha 40 (DB 601 variant)/12-41/7-45/from 2,550 to 2,700 Ki 61-I,
Nihon/Mitsubishi/A5M/LW M FLG/-/Nakajima Kotobuki/04-02-35/7-42/around 250 M-4
Nihon/Mitsubishi/A6M/LW M/-/Nakajima Sakae/01-04-39/8-45/60 Type 11, 3,562 Type 21, 342 Type 32, 560 Type 22, 3,823 Type 52
Nihon/Mitsubishi/J2M/LW M/-/Mitsubishi Kaisei/20-03-42/8-45/155 M-2, >200 M-3
Nihon/Nakajima/Ki-27/LW M FLG/-/Nakajima Kotobuki/15-10-36/11-42/1,312 Otsu
Nihon/Nakajima/Ki-43/LW M/-/Nakajima Sakae/12-12-38/8-45/<700 I, around 3,400 II, >1,000 III
Nihon/Nakajima/Ki-44/LW M/-/Nakajima Ha41&109/8-40/1-45/40 I, 1,171 II
Nihon/Nakajima/Ki-84/LW M/-/Nakajima Homare/4-43/8-45/>2,000 I
Romania/IAR/IAR 80/LW M/-/GR 14K/12-04-39/9-44/50 -80, 90 -80A, 60 -80B, 50 -80C, 50 -81, 38 -81C, the 81 were intended as attack aircraft but were most commonly used as fighter
Sovetskij Sojuz/Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov/LaGG-3/LW M/-/Klimov M105/28-03-40/7-44/around 6,500
Sovetskij Sojuz/Lavochkin/La-5/LW M/-/Shvetsov M82/21-03-42/11-44/around 10,000
Sovetskij Sojuz/Lavochkin/La-7/LW M/ -/Shvetsov M82/11-43/early '46/around 2,200, to be considered a La-5 variant?
Sovetskij Sojuz/Mikoyan i Gurevich/MiG-1/LW M/-/Mikulin AM35/05-04-40/12-40/100
Sovetskij Sojuz/Mikoyan i Gurevich/MiG-3/LW M/-/Mikulin AM35/29-10-40/early '42/>3,150, to be considered a MiG-1 variant?
Sovetskij Sojuz/Polikarpov/I-153/Sesquiplane/-/Shvetsov M62&63/8-38/early '41/around 2,400, of which around 400 with M63
Sovetskij Sojuz/Polikarpov/I-16/LW M/LW M/-/Wright Cyclone, Shvetsov M63/30-12-33/mid '41/ 426 Type 10 (Cyclone), 779 Type 24, 277 Type 28, 650 Type 29, 30 Type 10 built in Spain, w/o licence from damaged/destroyed fighters
Sovetskij Sojuz/Yakovlev/Yak-1/LW M/-/Klimov M105/13-01-40/early-mid '44/8,720
Sovetskij Sojuz/Yakovlev/Yak-7/LW M/-/Klimov M105/23-07-40/7-44/5,481
Sovetskij Sojuz/Yakovlev/Yak-9/LW M/-/Klimov M105&M107&M106/01-10-42/12-48/>10,000 of which 30 PD with M106, and a few hundreds U with M107
Sovetskij Sojuz/Yakovlev/Yak-3/LW M/-/Klimov M105/28-02-43/third quarter '46/2,180
Suomi/VL/Myrsky/LW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp/23-12-41/spring '45/43 II
Sverige/FFVS/J22/LW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp/20-09-42/4-46/182
United Kingdom/Hawker/Hurricane/LW M/Canada, Yugoslavia, Belgie/Rolls Royce Merlin/06-11-35/5-44, 6-43 in Canada, 4-41 in Yugoslavia (20 fighters) and 5/40 in Belgie (only 3 fighters)/around 2,100 I, around 10,500 II for both including Canadian productions,
United Kingdom/Hawker/Typhoon/LW M/-/Napier Sabre/24-02-40/11-45/ around 3,000
United Kingdom/Hawker/Tempest/LW M/-/Napier Sabre, Bristol Centaurus (II variant)/02-09-42/late '46/> 500 V, 36 II
United Kingdom/Supermarine/Spitfire/LW M/-/RR Merlin&Griffon/05-03-36/1-49/<1,100 I, 920 II, 6,464 V, 100 VI, 140 VII, around 1,650 VIII, around 5,050 IX, 100 XII, around 460 XIV, around 310 XVI, around 20 XXI, 372 Seafire II, around 900 Seafire III
United States/Bell/Airacobra/LW M/-/Allison V-1710/06-04-38/8-44/20 C, 923 D, 675 Airacobra I, 229 F, 25 J, 210 K, 250 L, 240 M, 2,095 N, 4,905 Q
United States/Bell/Kingcobra/LW M/-/Allison V-1710/07-12-42/7-45/1,725 A, <100 C
United States/Brewster/Buffalo/MW M/-/Wright Cyclone/02-12-37/4-42/497
United States/Chance Vought/Corsair/Inverted gull wing M/-/P&W Double Wasp/29-05-40/1-53/around 4,600 U-1, 735 F3A-1, 2,485 FG-1, few teens U-4
United States/Curtiss/Hawk/LW M. FLG Argentina variant/Argentina, India/P&W Twin Wasp, W Cyclone/06-05-35/4-41, summer '42 India, ? Argentina/159 with Twin Wasp and 306 with Cyclone, 20 Argentina built FLG with Cyclone.
United States/Curtiss/Warhawk/LW M/-/Allison V-1710, RR Merlin/14-10-38/11-44/200 P-40, 131 B, 193 C, 140 Tomahawk I, 110 Tomahawk IIA, 930 Tomahawk IIB, 23 D, 820 E, 560 Kittyhawk I, 1,500 Kittyhawk IA, 1,082 F, 948 K, 600 L, 336 M, 330 Kittyhawk II, 616 Kittyhawk III, 4,632 N, 588 Kittyhawk IV; F, L and Kittyhawk II with Merlin.
United States/Curtiss-Wright/CW-21/LW M/-/W Cyclone/22-09-38/fall '40/24 B, 3 complete and around 30 kits of A variant were built but very few were assembled from the kits
United States/Grumman/Wildcat/MW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp, W Cyclone/12-02-39/8-45/285 F-3, 65 F-3A, 1,169 F-4, 1,060 FM-1, 3,440 FM-2, 91 Martlet I, 90 II, 40 III, 220 IV
United States/Grumman/Hellcat/LW M/-/P&W Double Wasp/26-06-42/11-45/4,402 F-3, 4,202 F-5
United States/North American/Mustang/LW M/-/Allison V-1710, RR Merlin (C, D, K)/26-10-40/-46/620 Mustang I, 150 P-51, 310 -51A, 1,988 -51B, 1,750 -51C, 3,605 -51D, 967 -51K
United States/Republic/P-35/LW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp/15-08-35/9-40/108 P-35A
United States/Republic/Lancer/LW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp/22-12-38/4-42/54 P-43, 80 -43A, 125 -43A-1
United States/Republic/Thunderbolt/MW M/-/P&W Double Wasp/06-05-41/10-45/171 -47B, 602 -47C, 10,693 -47D, 354 -47G, 130 -47M, few teens -47N.
United States/Vultee/Vanguard/LW M/-/P&W Twin Wasp/11-02-40/4-42/144
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You might also add the Finnish VL Myrsky with 51 built according to Wikipedia
edit - Sorry it is already there - being English I didn't look for Suomi
You might also add the Finnish VL Myrsky with 51 built according to Wikipedia
edit - Sorry it is already there - being English I didn't look for Suomi

I should have written it, the countries name are in the original, only transliteration if need; i writed 43 because here i don't count prototypes and small production model (=less of 20)
After read some post of Jim Long on i changed my opinion on the Ki 61 II production, so i deleted this as built in '44, imho actually is possible that a few were built in late '44 but many less of 20 required
Changed production numbers for the Tempest II from few teens to 36 as reported in "Kites, Birds & Stuff Hawker Aircraft"
Changed the production number for the 109 Kurfürst from around 800 to 854 as ArtieBob post on 12 O'Clock High!

report ArtieBob infos on the sources:
"There are two sources for this data, C-AMT Monatsmeldung and the Gen .Qu.(6 Abt.III C) Flugzeugverteilung for various months from Jan 44 to Mar 45. The data as far as I can tell represents neubau Flugzeug accepted by the Luftwaffe (which would mean after flight test acceptance by BAL). "
Changed production for Hawker Typhoon from >3,000 to around 3,000
as data on in the Typhoon paragraph "Typhoon Production" that give the production to 5th January '45 as 3,015 (my sum)
I have read the thread. You know what its like when you get old. The next time you look at it, you omit the fact that its 1940-44. I mean, how could anyone be so dumb as to omit the first and last years of the war. Except an American of course.
With the exception of all the Americans here, of course. Most Americans aren't too strong on history. I'd better not saying more, should I? I found the easy way to beat Americans in Trivial Pursuit was to ask Geography and History questions.
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With the exception of all the Americans here, of course. Most Americans aren't too strong on history. I'd better not saying more, should I? I found the easy way to beat Americans in Trivial Pursuit was to ask Geography and History questions.
I gotta agree with Kevin J. As sad as it is, there is a grain of truth. I would win at Trivial Pursuit with the same strategy. Before reading this Forum, I was unaware of naval action in the Indian Ocean. Heck, I was unaware of the Indian Ocean!

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