Fornes Gear Machine Gun.

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 11, 2005
Cordoba - Argentina
Intersting design by an argentine inventor. This gun externally powered by an small electric motor fires at 5000 to 6000 rounds per minute with a single barrel.

The advantages over a gatling type are less bulk, weight, and low power consumption ( 15 % of a gatling equivalent) The cartrigde remain always coaxial to the barrel between the loading , firing and expulsion, and does not have any reprocicating movement.

Disadvantage is a notable overheating of the barrel in long burst wich probably would work better with water cooling.

Attemps by the inventor ( Javier Fornes, from Mendoza) to sell and develop a 20 /30 mm variant with the budgetary cooperation of the Argentine military has been unsuccesful so far.




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Yup, too bad that this argentine inventor in caught in crisis times, wich means low funds for new weapons, probably he going to be forced to sell this design overseas. :rolleyes:
Intereting stuff CB. The barrel heat didipation will need to be sorted before it could truly be successful, but a promising design certainly.

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