Admiral Beez
Thinking back to this old thread and topic, I think had the ultimatum to Admiral Marcel-Bruno Gensoul that the French fleet join the British come from a more senior leader than the Captain of HMS Ark Royal, things might have gone differently. He was a great admiral, but Sommerville or someone higher up screwed up here. Admiral Cunningham negotiated directly with the French admiral at Alexandria and successfully had the French agree to stand down and later to join the Wallies in the fight against the Germans.Like my old Citroen.
This is a non-starter.
So, Admiral Sommerville personally rows across to Gensoul's flagship and with a translator as necessary negotiates with the French admiral, and like Cunningham, ignores the deadlines and takes as long as it takes to get the French to agree. With this done, Gensoul will likely agree to sail for the French West Indies to join the carrier Bearn and a dozen other French warships at Martinique.