FW 190 d9 1+

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There are 3 with that description on the sheet. The last two are covered in detail in Crandall's Dora Volume 1 and yes, there are lots of pics, especially of blue 12, even in this forum. Google "Fw190D Blue 12" and you'll see a bunch, some in colour. There may be some for the second one but I have not looked too hard.
Which one of the JG 6 aircraft are you looking for information about?

There are 3 on the sheet and photographs do exist of some if not all of them. There is a series of photos taken in Prague of the 4th one on the sheet and they confirm that the 'Errormaster' profile is incorrect on many details.


If you mean the middle aircraft, 'White 1' of JG 2 then there is only one, poor quality, photograph that I know of. It's werknummer is unknown but it has all the attributes of an early Fiesler built 600series machine.
If this is the one you are interested in I can give you some more details.
The colours, based on more recent research than that on your decal sheet, are probably 74/75 in the standard Fiesler pattern.

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