Fw 190D12 with jumo 213EB engine

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Jul 5, 2014
the netherlands, limburg
Hello!, this is my first post and english is not my native language but here you go my question:
After i saw on a chart the speed of the Fw 190D12 with a jumo 213EB who was basicly faster then every other FW/Ta on that chart i wanted to know more about this plane and ofcourse the engine.
(the chart btw: http://www.wwiiaircraftperformance.org/fw190/fw_190_speeds_special_emergency_3-1-45.jpg )
now, in the few books i have (who go mostly about the Ta 152 or Fw 190A's) i didn't read a single word about this plane with this engine equiped.

now what i want to know is everything you can get about this plane, performance graphs, when it was build, reports, maybe even photo's and ofcourse many detail about the engine itself (the jumo 213EB)

i hope you people can help me, and i'm thankfull with any information i get.
According to the book "The Focke-Wulf 190D and Ta 152" by Richard A. Franks (Valiant Publishing Ltd., 2012), only some prototypes of the D-12 (V63) & D-13 (V62, V71) series were equipped with the Jumo 213EB engine. More details can be found on pages 19-22 of the above book.
Here you can find a brief description of the engine in German.
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According to the book "The Focke-Wulf 190D and Ta 152" by Richard A. Franks (Valiant Publishing Ltd., 2012), only some prototypes of the D-12 (V63) & D-13 (V62, V71) series were equipped with the Jumo 213EB engine. More details can be found on pages 19-22 of the above book.
Here you can find a brief description of the engine in German.
Hochinteressant, der Link! Danke!
Here is a chart from 15. February 1945 indicating a max speed of over 790 km/h at 9.4 km for the F190D-12 with Jumo 213EB running with B4 fuel.
Chart is by member Junkers-Peter. You might have to sign up to see it.

C3 fuel would have made it past 800 km/h?
Here is a chart from 15. February 1945 indicating a max speed of over 790 km/h at 9.4 km for the F190D-12 with Jumo 213EB running with B4 fuel.
Chart is by member Junkers-Peter. You might have to sign up to see it.

C3 fuel would have made it past 800 km/h?

Nice chart, but these are typical calculated figures as often seen in late war documents.

FW 190 D-12 with Jumo 213 F (1750 hp/sea level) shows 738 km/h @ 11.600 m
FW 190 D-12 with 213 EB (2000 hp/sea level) should do 790 km/h @ 9.400 m - seems pretty optimistic :cool:

From what I understand both engines have 2-stage 3-speed supercharger, but no intercooler.
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Nice chart, but these are typical calculated figures as often seen in late war documents.

FW 190 D-12 with Jumo 213 F (1750 hp/s.l.) shows 738 km/h @ 11.600 m
FW 190 D-12 with 213 EB (2000 hp/s.l) should do 790 km/h @ 9.400 m ?

Seems pretty optimistic, even if EB engine has 2-stage 3-speed supercharger (but also no intercooler).
With the Jumo 213E it wasn't possible.
Afaiu with the EB-engine installation of an "altered intercooler" into the D-12 airframe was possible.
Nice chart, but these are typical calculated figures as often seen in late war documents.

FW 190 D-12 with Jumo 213 F (1750 hp/sea level) shows 738 km/h @ 11.600 m
FW 190 D-12 with 213 EB (2000 hp/sea level) should do 790 km/h @ 9.400 m - seems pretty optimistic :cool:

From what I understand both engines have 2-stage 3-speed supercharger, but no intercooler.
Most calculated figures were optimistic.
It was common knowledge in the Luftwaffe that Messerschmitt AG was the worst/best in this.
would it be possible to upload the charts here so it won't get lost if something happens to the other site ?
would it be possible to upload the charts here so it won't get lost if something happens to the other site ?
I just post the comment link with the chart, not the pictures themselves out of respect for the OP as I don't think he would concur.
It's a reputable site for many years. I don't think anything is going to happen.
I think the correct D-12/D-13 speed with the Jumo 213EB was 769KPH (478MPH), which is more realistic. (I think this figure came from Dietmar Hermann, but it might be from somewhere else.)
I just post the comment link with the chart, not the pictures themselves out of respect for the OP as I don't think he would concur.
He bought a copy on eBay or photocopied one out of an archive.. It is not his.
Besides that, it is in general domain. There are sources other than that.
But for good behaviour dont remove its watermark.

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