Though I'm still participating in the forum, I've had to fly to Ontario on Monday on a family matter and I may be away from my workbench for a few weeks. As much as I'd like to, I will not be updating this build until I'm back home and able to resume this project.
Hope everything is OK Andy.
Forgot to ask - apart from the Wellington pics at Brooklands Museum, is there anything else you need from there, or the DH Museum ?
Going to Salisbury Hall and Brooklands.
Hi Andy, a few images I took at Brooklands last year. Managed to squeeze in a walkaround of the Welli in the brief time I was there. Didn't manage to get 'in' the wells because of the barriers, but I got these, if they're of any help.
Thanks guys. No worries Andy. Would like to have spent more time photographing the Welli, but didn't have time. I did manage to reel off a suitable walkaround, which I'll add to my site soon.
Hi all. Back again only to announce that I've decided to resume this build after a long hiatus. Work had stopped completely with the passing of my father almost 3 years ago and the model has been sitting partly finished at the side of my work bench ever since.
I will start a new thread shortly in the "Start to Finish" area rather than continuing the build here so as to avoid confusion with the Heavy Hitter IV GB currently under way. I'll cross link the two threads to maintain continuity.
Andy, if you edit the first post of the thread removing the GB header info I may edit the thread title and then move it to the Start to Finish section. In the way you won't have to creaet the new thread.