German WW2 prop to identify found in Holland.

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Feb 5, 2013
Anybody knows to which A/C this prop this belongs to?
Found it in Holland, it is for certain from a German A/C.
I wrote the numbers om the prop on the right hand site

It's a blade which would have been fitted to a DB 605 engine and probably a Bf 109 G or Bf 110. I can't look it up at the moment as I'm away from home.
Very cool! Were you the one that found it?

My buddy found it when we were together digging in the meantime I know it is a Me-109G-14. At almost the same spot 2 Me-109 crashed within an hour of each other.

Hopefully the prop can be retraced to the worknumber of the aircraft...... I have the worknumbers from both aircraft

another pic.

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Hopefully the prop can be retraced to the worknumber of the aircraft......

I don't see how you will do that from the propeller blade itself. You might find something from other artefacts associated with the crash which will enable you to identify which aircraft your blade came from. Narrowing it down to one of two is already pretty good going!
Good luck with your quest.

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