Good Luck Flag - Translation Request

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Apr 6, 2023
Hi all. I have this flag in my possession. It was brought back by my Uncle who was in the Army Infantry. He would never talk about his experiences, so we don't know where he acquired the flag. According to family lore, he removed it from an injured solider.

As an aside note, my father was a B25 turret gun instructor during the War. He turned 101 last month.

The flag can be read like this -

1. 挺身報国 Dedicate to reward your country

2. 祝 峯岸賢二君 入營 Congrats Mr. Minegishi, Kenji for enlisting

3. 鬼鎮神社(Kijin Jinja) Kijin Shrine

4. 祈武運長久 峯岸連太郎 峯岸四郎 書 We pray your continued luck in the fortunes of war

5. 第四十六旅団 帝國在郷軍人会 大河村分会長 村田一良 The 56th brigade veterans association of Okawa village division chairman Murata, Kazuo

Group 6

祈武運長久 神田きく Buun chokyu (praying your continued luck in the fortunes of war) by Kanda, Kiku

岡本政雄 Okamoto, Masao

野本敬二 Nomoto, Keiji

斎藤ちー Saito, Chih

落合今朝一 Ochiai, Kesaichi

澤田正樹 Sawada, Masaki

大木孝一 Ohki, Koichi

大木安世 Ohki, Yasuyo

大木鍋次郎 Ohki, Nabejiro

武川勘三郎 Takegawa, Kanzaburo

金田頼子 Kaneda, Yoriko

鈴木源太郎 Suzuki, Gentaro

福崎章 Fukuzaki, Akira

Group 7

芝崎集 Shibazaki, Atsumu

島野恭一 Shimano, Kyoichi

安藤保雄 Ando, Yasuo

古川重三郎 Furukawa, Shigesaburo

田端憲一郎 峯岸平七 Tabata, Ken-ichiro Minegishi, Heishichi

祈武運長久 磯田政雄 峯岸?? 峯岸銀次郎 Inoru-buun-chokyu (praying your continued luck in the fortunes of war) by Isoda, Masao Minegishi, ??

巽根?? 武川幸夫 Tatsune(?) Takegawa, Sachio

田端?? 豊田誉蔵 Tabata ?? Toyoda, Yozou

田端景平 峯岸?? Tabata, Kyohei Minegishi, ??

巽根志の子 根岸喜一 Tatsune, Shinoko Negishi, Kiichi

峯岸辺 Minegishi, Ataru

巽根正志 Tatsune, Masashi

Group 8

関根由太郎 Sekine, Yoshitaro

松本徳太郎 Matsumoto, Tokutaro

峯岸てい 小山林太郎 Minegishi, Tei Koyama, Rintaro

早川益五郎 栗原勇吉 Hayakawa, Masugoro Kurihara, Yuukichi

岸野?? ?澤穂三 Kishino ?? ?sawa, Hozou

内田政一 小林育松 Uchida, Masaichi Kobayashi, Ikumatsu

田中重平 梅津茂八 Tanaka, Juhei Umezu, Shigehachi

刃田穂山 ?上正重 Nitta, Hoyama ?ue, Masashige

Group 9

必勝 山崎一平 Hissyo(Win) by Yamazaki, Ippei

武運長久 清舞相作 Buun chokyu (praying your continued luck in the fortunes of war) by Kiyomai, Aisaku

峯岸弥一 Minegishi, Yaichi

健勝祈ル 浅見長七 Kensyo-wo-inoru (Wishing your good luck) by Asami, Choshichi

森廣治 Mori, Hiroji

峯岸マサ Miengishi, Masa

鈴木享平 Suzuki, Kyohei

青木六郎 Aoki, Rokuro

岡本昇一 Okamoto, Syoichi

川聖(?)益三 Kawasei(?), Masuzo

田中優子 Tanaka, Yuuko

野口弁(?) Noguchi, Ben(?)

Group 10

井上正一 峯岸初(?)吉 Inoue, Syoichi Minegishi, Somekichi(?)

必勝 ?久保?? Hissyo (Win) by ?kubo, ??

Wishing your father's longer life,

Shinpaci, thank you very much. I appreciate your time and effort. I have spoken to my family and we are in process of working with the Obon society to see if Mr. Minegishi has relatives that would find some level of comfort in the return of his flag.

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