Greetings from Thailand

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THERE it is! What is the grey biplane?
If it doesn't have a plaque and it ain't 'Murican, I don't know what it is. Mostly.
There is a YT Channel, Ed Nash's Military Matters/Forgotten Aircraft, that has a video on the museum. It is, as mentioned, a replica. That much I remembered. He also has one on the Fan Trainer in Thai service.
Walking around the grounds pt II. The stand selling toy airplanes and gliders. Oops Did you guys know the wings of an F-5 are made with a honeycomb structure? There's a lengthy stenciled warning about something about it by the wing root. I didn't have enough time to read it while rescuing my granddaughter's glider.

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The Bronco was hiding just beyond the Spitfire.
So I'm scrawling through the tiny little pics looking for the Bronco 'cause I know I walked by it. The order I posted them is not in the same order I took them. So it's next to a tiny AT-6 photo in my phone. You're all being very cruel to me and I'm now I am sad. This is the last time I divorce a woman and haul her butt back to Thailand just to take pictures of a "What is it" airplane.
I hope you are happy.

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