Greg's Airplanes & Automobiles: Most Accurate Allied Bomber, or Fighter Bomber of WW2. (European Theater)

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Crash and burn.

You're not going to like my pike joke either.

They certainly would have been more successful if they were allowed to use the brisBANE tank.

In any case, if the Bomber Mafia had altered the record it would doubless show that it would take 1,000s of tons of bombs to destroy a site!

btw I posted 3 comments for the video. One seems to have gone missing - the one that says that it is a myth that RAF BC only bombed cities and also that the Eighth never bombed cities.
Watched this earlier today, I'm thinking four sorties prove more than five or six hundred, sure.

I think there's a "P-47 could have burnt Hamburg too" episode coming down the line. I mean, just drop those big ferry tanks and then strafe, why not?

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