H 111? Ju88? Crash normandie

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May 9, 2021
Good morning all,

here is a piece released by a friend in a Norman farm in Saint Pierre Canivet.

the room is very large I could not measure it ... but when loading it in my car ... impossible, whatever the direction, I had to leave it with my friend for the moment.

do you have an idea to guide me? I am thinking enormously of a large German device hatch.

thanks a lot for your help.



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because according to the words of the farmer who had discovered it. it would be a German bomber.
but I did not find any writing from a plane that fell in this village.
I believe you have the belly panel from an M109, located between the wings. An interesting piece!
hello gentlemen,

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

I would never have thought of a hunter.

thank you a thousand times


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