Hawk 75 Royal Thai Air Force cannon pods

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How many pages is the chapter on the Thai Hawks?

Does it have a conclusion on the caliber of the cannon (20mm or 23mm
Chapter 2 (pg 22 to 33), where Dan Hagedorn is talking about the different models and options offered by Curtiss when they were doing their sale pitch into any markets they could find, was: in addition to the variety of wing armament options: "two 23mm Madsen cannon firing explosive projectiles, one under each wing, with 100 rpg or two 20mm Oerlikon guns firing explosives explosive projectiles, one under each wing, with 75rpg"

Chapter 3 "Those Siamese Hawk 75-N's (pg 34 to 41): 20mm Masden cannons

Sorry to hear you couldn't get onto the website...yes the publisher is in Norway 'European Airlines'. Perhaps do a general internest search on "Curtiss Design 75 Hawk P-36 and International Derivatives"
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Yeah, that corresponds to the Curtiss marketing book I have.

If the cannon on the Hawk 75s in the Thai museum are authentic, its conclusive that they are 23mm Madsens. The Oerlikons are obviously different.

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