He70/He170 camera location?

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Feb 10, 2008
NW Florida
I searched through the subforums, and didn't find what I was looking for, but maybe I missed it.

I got the urge to start on my Admiral 1/48 Heinkel He70K, but I want to install a recce camera. I have not found any info online or in any of my books, as to where the camera was located. I did find a picture of a backseater hanging out of the rear cockpit, holding a Handkamera, but that's not how I want to do my model.Does anybody have firm info where the camera window(s) and camera were located?

I have both Aufklärer books by Dave Wadman and a pdf copy of the Perfiles Aeronauticos # 3 - Heinkel He70/170 "Blitz", which all did not really help.


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