Heinkel He 177 data

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 24, 2007
i'm looking official (luftwaffe, heinkel and daimler benz for engines) data for the He 177,
now we had:
some data for A-5/R-7 posted from HoHun somewhere from a heinkel pubblication:
empty weight: 17210 kg
Additional Equipment: 1730 kg
Equipped weight: 18940 kg
Crew: 600 kg
Fuel: 8350 kg
Lubricants: 400 kg
Payload: 2710 kg
Take-off weight: 31000 kg

Top speed:
490 km/h @ 2000 m
515 km/h @ 4000 m
520 km/h @ 5700 m

Cruise speed at 80% take-off power:
395 km/h @ 2000 m
400 km/h @ 4000 m
410 km/h @ 5700 m

Climb time with bomb load, at rated power, to:
2000 m 8.8 min
4000 m 19.9 min
6000 m 36.5 min

Some info posted from M. Rausch somewhere from a luftwaffe comparison of anti sea patrol planes:
The He 117 A-3 range data listed was for a plane destroyer configuration, without bomb load, 3450 l fuel in the wing tanks and 7250 l in the fuselage tanks. So it was the real maximum technical range achieveable by a He 177 A-3 at that time.
With maximum continous power the speed was at SL 390 kph with a range of 2700 km, at 6 km altitude the speed was 470 kph and the range 3100 km.
With economic power the speed was at SL 300 kph with a range of 3600 km, at 6 km altitude the speed was 380 kph and the range 3700 km.

some info posted in this forum
from krieghund http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/aviation/he177-speed-climb-17209.html

from Micdrow http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/weapons-systems-tech/he-177-bomb-bay-load-out-8878.html

from Kurfuerst http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/aviation/b-17-vs-he-177-vs-lancaster-11308-4.html

some have other???
thank you
Here is some data on the He177a1 its maximum fuel is 12800 liters
12800 lit no bombs = +6000 km
12800 lit with 1tons bombs = 5570 km (sorry had it 2 tons before)
10400 lit with 4 tons bombs = 3200 km
8900 lit with 7 ton bombs = 1200km

The fuel load for the He177A5 is reduced to 12660 liters due to better protection to the fuel cells


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fine work krieghund, if it's easy can you post the russian article in a text format?
let me try but I'm traveling (got stuck in Denver last nite) when I get back to Saudi I will run it thru an OCR program I have. Fingers crossed.

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