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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 19, 2006

Rotor wing aircraft..

No representation! Start a category to dump misc chopper info!

Comiso, why separate out whirlybirds? The forum has different timeframes already. Wouldn't further separation into types of aircraft only add to complexity in posting and finding your topics of interest?

Your thoughts?
Just seems like theres not anyplace to put them other then "modern" or "off topic".
I have opened many threads just about helicopters in the modern section.

Helicopters are sort of my love, hell I flew them for 6 years.
Not a thread... anybody can start a thread.. A Category that only a mod can start a Cat
OK... whoever...
Helicopters should have a cat.

Not to sound rude, but then I think Balloons/Zeppelins/Blimps should have one. And to sound rude, I think there should be a separate category just for seaplanes, and gliders.

A helicopter, an airplane, and a balloon are all aircraft, but they don't have to be separated just because they perform the same job of getting man into the air differently. Seeing as this forum is for aircraft as a whole, and there are independent threads for specific aircraft, a thread should be sufficient.

And I don't see why you can't talk about the helicopters that were in development in the WWII era boards. I doubt they'll chase you out with torches and pitch forks.
Comparing the contribution of Balloons/Zeppelins/Blimps with that of choppers is oversimplifying the issue.

Helicopters are important enough to merit a Cat.
If you can prove to me that helicopters are so special that they need a segregated forum, I'll go along with it. Until then, I don't see why one can't discuss helicopters and airplanes in the same category.

Maybe I misread something in the descriptions, but last I checked it was "WWII Aviation" and "Discussion on the aircraft of WWII" or "Other Eras" and "A place to discuss Vietnam through present." I don't see a "No Helicopters Allowed" in there. Heck, you can't really talk about Vietnam without talking about helicopters. I mean, you could, but you're missing out on a lot of stuff.
If you can prove to me that helicopters are so special that they need a segregated forum, I'll go along with it. Until then, I don't see why one can't discuss helicopters and airplanes in the same category.

Maybe I misread something in the descriptions, but last I checked it was "WWII Aviation" and "Discussion on the aircraft of WWII" or "Other Eras" and "A place to discuss Vietnam through present." I don't see a "No Helicopters Allowed" in there. Heck, you can't really talk about Vietnam without talking about helicopters. I mean, you could, but you're missing out on a lot of stuff.

Perhaps you just like to ague? Welcome to the forum. I have big expectations from you!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
If you can prove to me that helicopters are so special that they need a segregated forum, I'll go along with it.

When you have more than 51 posts you can go along with it and make decisions for this forum, okay?

Heh, it is a bad habit of mine to argue over nothing, but thanks for the welcome.

If that is a big habit, then you are going to have a big problem...
Heh, I didn't mean it that way, on both counts. Trust me, I've learned long ago when to stop arguing. Though I think Nintendo pretty much hates me after I got into a few tussles with their mods and admins. In my defense, them trying to ban me because my screen name, which they okayed, said "HELL" as in HELLCAT, was stupid of them.

Anyway, trust me, I'm not a bad user.
Like I said, "I have big expectations from you!"

Lots of opportunity to stir up trouble... I look forward to it..

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