Hellcats and Avengers - US Aircraft Carrier flight deck operations

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Hellcats and Avengers - Rare footage of US Aircraft Carrier flight deck operations in the Pacific

Not really "rare" at all. These are just outtakes from the 1944 documentary "The Fighting Lady" and a Navy training film titled "Flight Deck Crews, Landing and Re-Spotting Aircraft", which was narrated by Navy ace John "Jimmy" Thach. Both films can be seen on YouTube in their entirety.

Hi Sorry that you disapprove of my heading, one can wonder if the compiling of clips from existing films make them less rare? whatever there are not many films that good around and they are without question prove of the dedication and sacrifice made by these men. That is what giving these images a new light is all about.
My apology if you took my comment as disapproving. It wasn't intended to be. Just thought people should know the original source of this color footage and be able to see it in it's full format when presented 75+ years ago. I find it odd that the creator of the video you linked does not make any mention of these sources at all.
I see! A very fair comment! And the sources are now added to the video description.

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