Glock Perfection
I need the forum members help on this one. I'm at wits end. Certainly this kit has numerous errors and flaws, but I'm not looking for authenticity for the individual aircraft, just some basic direction on where these types of individual markings might be applied.
Here are the decals that I'm still working with. The two rising suns are the port and starboard fuselage national insignias.
Decal Number (1) goes on the port side forward of the horizontal stabs.
I messed up the numbering, but (2) and (3) are exactly the same, with no difference in arrow direction (i.e., arrow points forward on both sides or aft on both sides).
I have no idea where (4) goes. Likely under the cockpit.
(5) is hard to see, but looks like a scope aiming reticle. Perhaps a refueling point? It has Japanese writing below it.
(6) are propeller markings I think. With a white stripe perpendicular to the blades rotation with Japanese letters running below the white strip towards the prop hub.
Any help would be appreciated. This kit is so basic that the decals are a make or break for her. The decals are terrible. They are as thick as writing paper and my first attempts have required about 6-8 applications of Micro Sol to get them to adhere and flow across the mold lines.
My build thread is here:
I'll post this in the original thread too. Just trying to get maximum input. Thanks in advance.
Here are the decals that I'm still working with. The two rising suns are the port and starboard fuselage national insignias.
Decal Number (1) goes on the port side forward of the horizontal stabs.
I messed up the numbering, but (2) and (3) are exactly the same, with no difference in arrow direction (i.e., arrow points forward on both sides or aft on both sides).
I have no idea where (4) goes. Likely under the cockpit.
(5) is hard to see, but looks like a scope aiming reticle. Perhaps a refueling point? It has Japanese writing below it.
(6) are propeller markings I think. With a white stripe perpendicular to the blades rotation with Japanese letters running below the white strip towards the prop hub.
Any help would be appreciated. This kit is so basic that the decals are a make or break for her. The decals are terrible. They are as thick as writing paper and my first attempts have required about 6-8 applications of Micro Sol to get them to adhere and flow across the mold lines.
My build thread is here:
I'll post this in the original thread too. Just trying to get maximum input. Thanks in advance.