Help ID these parts, no success so far...

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Now it looks quite similar and seems to be very likely. However I still can't find the round and square panels at the top of the cowling that can be seen in posted above pics. Also the Fiesler engine cowling seems to be more flat at the top line of the cowling while the requested one looks more bulged. The enlarged shot of the plane reveals that there were three small vent appertures at the front and something what looks like the cowling fastener.

It's interesting that some cowlings have those louvres and some don't.
They may have been added to later models for additional cooling, perhaps?

My guessing that the Fi167 might be the ship, is based on the location of the MG17 groove, the location of the bulge over the exhaust opening. Also, the "looped" feature on the other side aligns with the 167's intake along with the large opening on the port side, which terminates at the top of the cowl for engine access.

Something more to add (which may be in keeping with the louvres issue) is that one of the prototypes went to Budweis as a testing platform: Fi167 V3 (WkNmr 2503) D-OJBZ/TP+AV.

Unfortunately, it doesn't specify if V3 had the DB601A or DB601B.

To be honest I'm about to agree. The cowling looks quite similar to the Fi-167 one. Unfortunately it seems to be damaged and the large piece of the skin was cut off. However there are still the two panels at the top that can't be found in any pics of the kite.
I agree. Additionally .. I didn't mention that in my post above - I'm still having the doubt about the cowling dimensions.
It would be nice to know... However please look at the enlarged pic of the top cowling. The "trough" for the MG barrel starts at the back edge of the cowling right? In the pic below you may notice that the trench runs to the back part of the lengthwise air inlet at the port side. However there is still some of the cowling behing the inlet If you compare it to the posted in #1 pic you may find that the mistery cowling ends with the rear part of the inlet there. It looks like the cowling would be cut off at the back . If it would be as guessed the MG trench should have been trimmed to a very small part or almost entirely deleted while its length is looking quite correct.. Another detail that makes me doubting is the location of the small bulges of the drop shape. These seem to be at the mid of the cowling while the true ones were moved forward because the cowling behind them was longer.

Been working on the port side. Nothing seems to fall in place? Apart from that circle thing at top left...

The 'circle thing' is an access hatch for the oil or coolant header tank, as on the DB601 engine.
The 'ring' indicated by your black arrow appears to be, in the photo, part of a supercharger or carb intake.
Compare the complete cowling from the profile to your sketch, and it looks like part of the cowling has been cut out for whatever reason (maybe it had a badge on it, taken as a souvenir ?), leaving the aft part of the intake trunking, and either the slot where the trunking fits at the forward end, or perhaps that was also cut away.

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