Help interpriting T.O. 00-25-29 to identify propeller for C-47

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Sep 14, 2012
Would like some help confirming that a Hamilton-Standard propeller with 23E50 hub setup for 16 degrees minimum and 88 degrees maximum pitch with 6477A-0 blades could only be from a C-47 or C-47A aircraft.

Here is how I arrived at that conclusion. T.O. 00-25-29 Maintenance Interchangeability Cross Reference 1943 lists this particular propeller on page 35, line 38. All aircraft listed on this page for a 23E50-6477A-0 prop (B-17F, B-17G, B-24D, B-24E, B-24G, B-24H) have min/max angles of 21'/88' or 26'/88'.

BUT, at the bottom of the page under REMARKS: is a note that states (D) C-47 A and C-53 D, BLADE ANGLE IS 16' TO 88'.

The chart continues on to the next page where you will find line 38, an X and (D) that line up with the columns for the C-47 and C-47A. To my reading of this table a 23E50-6477A-0 prop with a min/max pitch of 16/88 degrees would have come from a C-47 or C-47A aircraft.

I hope someone can follow my somewhat rambling explanation and confirm or correct my assumption.

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I would suggest contacting UTC Aerospace Systems' product support department. I don't know how they are now, but when I worked there they supported all propellers that were still in service.

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