Machining instructions for an impeller

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Mar 21, 2024
My grandfather was a draftsman during WWII. I have some of his old blueprints and notes. In his notes there is a folder marked "Ranger 609844". The folder contains 60 pages of machining instructions to make a Shaft S/C Impeller. I think this document is related to a Ranger engine designed during WWII. The document is dated 1944 and references "Ranger Aircraft Engines". The document also references a "Continental Project" and something called "Allen Eng.". I have attached a picture of the first sheet of the document. I am curious if anyone can share information about this document and the engine it describes. Thanks.


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Me too. We have at least one member with Ranger powered aircraft and hopefully they can throw some light on the matter if that is a part for a Ranger engine.

"Continental Project" may mean this was part of the experimental Continental engines built for the military and Ranger may have been a subcontractor on those engines - again someone more knowledgeable may have the answer. Two members who may be able to help are Kim McCutchen (I cannot remember his forum handle) and WJPearce

This is the engine that the part may be from - it is William Pearce's site.

Last but not least - Welcome to the forum - new blood, especially those with new "lost" information, are always welcome.

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