Help Reviewing New Book on 3D Printing and Custom Scale Modelling

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Builder 2010

Staff Sergeant
Aug 25, 2016
Louisville, Kentucky
I have just finished writing a book entitled: "21st Century Modeling: The Fusion of 3D CAD, 3D Printing & Traditional Skills". The book is steered specifically to those wanting to use 3D printing to make custom designed scale models. The focus is different than the standard 3D printing fare that focused on more art related topics without the stringent characteristics of building models to scale where parts must fit to others. It features SketchUp exclusively and was a challenge for me to describe specific SU processes in print without the use of video.

I would like to have a few folks from the WW2 Aircraft community, especially those who've followed my work, to review the book and give me feedback. I'm not looking for editing. I'm looking more to general reactions and does it inform sufficiently to get someone started on the journey.

The book is 168 pages plus a glossary and is over 300mb. It will transmit via Google Drive and WhatsApp.

The book explores 3D printing technology, LCD printers specifically, The printing system, slicing files, the "science of supports, 3D CAD (SketchUp), Key essentials in CAD to ensure printability, basic SU functions that are most helpful in designing for printing, case histories of integrating all the skills, and troubleshooting print failures.

As with my other projects I had a steep learning curve with this one, being the first writing project using a book template in Apple Pages, and doing the final layout in Pages layout mode. I also learned that Apple Photo Preview let's you drop out backgrounds with a touch of a button.

If you're interested in getting a preview look, please let me know on this thread and I'll make arrangements to transmit a copy (PDF)

This is a notional cover design. It needs more work!

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Do you mind if I extend your request to another forum? I know quite few people there who would be able to provide good feedback.

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