Help with 1946

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Jan 23, 2007
I had been playing for years with FB + AEP, and just bought 1946. Installed it , but it simple wont play right. Whem I start the game, it goes to the loading page , then to the presentation movie ( which I can stop using Esc) and then to the initial page. There it freezes, and that is just it. I have to reboot the computer.

Tried unistalling it and reinstalling , and the even unistalled FB+AEP all together, too see if it fixed the problem. Nothing works. I am using a Pentium 4, 1GB RAM plus 512 mb ATI 9550. Nothing top notch , but used to be more than enough. Any guess? I dont know what else to do...
I'm no expert, but I would've thought it'd be something with memory. But that's odd since it sounds like your computer has more horsepower than mine. Is the disc scratched or anything?
Make sure all files related to previous installs of 1946, FB AEP have been removed, install 1946 (includes FB AEP anyway), download the 4.08m patch and install. See how that goes.
I discover a way to make it work: when the game is loading I have to press ESC as soon as the movie starts. For some bizarre reason, if I let it play for more than miliseconds it becomes impossible to stop till it ends and then the computer will freeze. If UI stopo the movie right at the start, I can play normailly. Strange, right? Well, at leats now I can play... Thanks for the help anyway.

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