Help with the restoration of a Lockheed Lodestar!

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Jan 10, 2022
Hello all!

I have been working for a while on a remarkable project; getting an original Lockheed Lodestar airworthy again! We have put a lot of time and effort in making this project succeed, unfortunately the restoration has come to a halt because of a lack of qualified technicians available... Therefore, I'd like to call on you to help us to make this fantastic project succeed. Are you a mechanic with experience working on WWII transport airplanes (for example experience working on DC3's...) or do you know someone that does? Please contact me! The airplane is currently located in Chelan, Washington. However, for the right candidates we are more than willing to facilitate transportation and housing. Most of the restoration is already done, the airplane is already in great condition, however, there are still small but important things to need to be done. With 4 technicians the job can probably be done in less than a month. If we can find 2 mechanics it can still be done in about two months (approximately).

All help is highly appreciated! Attached you can find a facts & figures sheet of our amazing Lodestar.

Thanks a lot,
Patrick, Frank & Samantha


  • Lodestar-N21G.pdf
    598.5 KB · Views: 87

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