henschel hs.129 of hungarian air force

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 21, 2011
wikipedia says hungarians had hs.129s. wheres the visual proof? any proof? im collecting pictures of wwii hungarian aircraft, and since 129s are listed on the roster, i need something to fill in the slot in my library
As memo serves it was an attempt to rearm the HKAF units equipped with Ju-87s at that time. For the purpose there were 4 Hs 129B-1 i B-2 imported. After trials with these planes ( one of them was crashed during that. ) all of them were given back to Germans. Because of air raids against aviation factories in Germany the project of rearming was given up because it wasn't possible to provide Hs 129s for Hungary.
Ok thanks. That puts a lot off my list of planes to get. and thank you wurger for the useful information about the 129's short career with hungary
Interesting info Wojtek! Never knew they tried to introduce them here.

A note on Wiki too - don't believe all you read. I've picked up on a few mistakes regarding various subjects.
THX guys....

According to my knowledge these four Hs 129s arrived there in August of 1943. These tests were carried out by the RKI - Repules Kutato Intezed ( Flight Research Institute ) based at Matyasfold airfield. The first flight was made from Ferihegy airfield with German instructors. Simulated dive bombing and low-level attacks were made at Rakamaz shooting range. During these flights the 2nd Lt Henrik Fulop hit the ground and was killed. After the trials the remaining three planes were moved to 5/1. Kiserleti Ejjeli Vadaszszazad ( 5/1. Experimental Night Squadron ) based at Matyasfold airfield where a few flights had made before these were taken back by Germans. All Hs.129s used for Hungarian tests retained their orginal German markings.
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You know me too. It isn't my favourite thing as well.

I hope you are fine and all is going well there.

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