Hey Joe, is this a weather pod?

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I was out at Camarillo last weekend shooting a variety of airplanes when I spotted this one. It looks similar to a FLIR or ECM pod, but I doubt a 172 would need either of those! Someone suggested it was a weather pod of some sort.

Have you seen one of these, Joe? It's the pod on the starboard wing.


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Not the weather radar, antenna, waveguide and all the goodies that goes along with it. It has to have a clear obstructed "view." There's really no other place to put it in a single engine aircraft.
Thats a good point evan i didnt think of that, does make you wonder about how heavy it is
Own ship position overlayed on moving map, realtime doppler updates and FIS Broadcast for strategic flight planning. Pretty sophisticated actually.
Huh? It is likely a TSO-C113 compliant color display with processing to allow near real-time updates of en route inclement wx, NAS status, SUA, NOTAMS, destination airport wx, etc. While I'm not intimately familiar with the equipment, it likely includes TSO-C63c Wx radar capability with moving map and proprietary data link FIS-B (TSO-C149). Maybe I'm stretching the capabilities a bit, but the the potential is there if you are going to spend the money to install a doppler radar and associated cockpit display.

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